Saturday, February 5, 2011

Look What We Did This Week!

K-1 Skyped with our Massachusetts pals this week.  Some things our children learned:  there were snow days,  which meant our pals didn't attend school due to severe weather conditions so they will be adding, at this point, 4 school days in June. They also shared some fun activities they do in the snow, i.e.  throwing snowballs, sledding, etc. We shared some information about Chinese New Year and introduced arare since that is a common snack.  A few bags of arare will be sent to our  Skype friends  to taste since we're not sure if it is sold there.

Valentine's Day is Monday, February 14th.  If you wished to share goodie bags with the other students, please bring them in by Friday, February 11th. They'll be distributed on Valentine's Day in the  Long's green recyclable bags.

A few reminders for this week:
Scholastic Book orders - due Tuesday, February 8
Dole Plantation Field Trip - Friday, February 11

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