We have started a new Math topic about time and money. Besides identifying the penny, nickel, and dime, and their value, they'll count groups of the same coins. You can also support development of your child's money skills by asking them to practice counting up with a single type of coin, then start mixing coins as s/he is quite proficient at counting up by 5's, 10's, etc.
They'll also be learning to sequence events and tell time to the hour. You could use clocks around the house to practice telling time. See who can be the first to spot a clock that shows the exact hour, such as 5:00, 6:00, etc.
The children enjoyed the Easter treats shared by numerous class members. Mahalo for your generosity. Wishing everyone a Happy Easter!
Monday, April 25th - Return green Long's recyclable bags
Thursday, April 28th - Kuakini Health Center Walking Field Trip. Wear HMS t-shirts and sport shoes.
Friday, April 29th - Matsuri Program in the Social Hall at 8:30am. Wear special Kindergarten (blue) t-shirts.
Monday, May 2nd - Swimming Showoffs -Poolside at 10:10am.
Library Books - Please return any library books found in your home as soon as possible.
Watch this video of "Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse" performed to celebrate Earth Day.
Untitled from
Wendy Lee on