Friday, November 14, 2014

Would I Want to be a Pilgrim?

It would be fun to be a Pilgrim for a little while. But after a few days, I think I would want to live in 2014 again.

Aloha Parents,

Mahalo for attending the Parent-Teacher Conferences this week.  It was a great opportunity to establish a better communication between us.  Your comments helped me to gain a greater understanding of your keiki, enabling me to be more effective in helping him or her.

It would be beneficial if you discuss the conference with your child passing on the positive information as well as areas s/he needs to work on. Please make it clear that doing well in school is a family value and that you and I are working together to help him/her succeed.

Do you have any empty 10.75 oz Campbell Soup cans? If so, please have your child bring them to school by December 1st.  They'll need it for a holiday project.  Arigato gozaimasu!

A few reminders:

  • Tuesday, November 18th - Library Books due
  • Wednesday, November 19th - P.E. in the gym.  Attire - HMS grey t-shirt, shorts, and sport shoes.
  • Tuesday, November 25th - Book Shares, myON, and IXL (categories D and E) assignments due
  • Tuesday, November 25th - Thanksgiving Service in the Temple at 9:00 am.  Please dress your child appropriately for this occasion. Boys could wear collared shirts and shorts.  Girls could wear  pants outfits or dresses.  A donation of 1 canned good is requested from each Kindergarten child as an offering. Canned goods can be brought in before Tuesday, November 25th.  
  • Wednesday, November 26th - Flu Shots/Nasal Spray will be given in the Library
  • Thursday and Friday, November 27-28th - Thanksgiving Break, no school
Be safe, be healthy, and be happy,
Mrs. Lee

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