Wednesday, December 1, 2010

K-1 Happy Talk

On Friday, December 3rd,  Bodhi Day services will be held in the Temple.   This is to honor the enlightment of Siddhartha Gautama  when he became the Buddha, the fully awakened one. Please have your child dressed appropriately for the occasion.

Congratulations to our two students who received certificates of recognition for their fine creative writing that were displayed on the bulletin board outside of the Library.  Other students will have the opportunity to share their work in the future.

Everyone has been busy working on numbers: ordinals, even and odd, and skip counting.   Their practice  counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's at home and school has made them quite comfortable with it.

Show and Tell is always a favorite time to share new or old items.  Encourage your child to participate. It's a good way to practice public speaking.

There are always smiley faces when  stories are read, followed by artwork with writing.  I hear only positive comments about these assignments, which pleases me to the utmost. They are doing a super job with their innocent, spontaneous responses.

Our Winter Program, scheduled for Friday, December 10th in the Social Hall will be delightful.  The Kindergarten classes will perform their play at 8:30am. until approximately 8:50am.  Parking will be tight, so please plan accordingly.

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