Monday, December 13, 2010

K-1 Happy Talk

Hi Parents,
Friday, December 17th is the start of Winter Break. All HMS students will be released at 11:30am. Please pick up your child by 11:45am from K-1. Preschool and Kindergarten students may be picked up class side.

We are going to be celebrating our 100th day of school on Tuesday, January 25th. It is a kindergarten tradition to celebrate it in grand style. Brainstorm different items with your child that he/she would like to collect. After making a decision, your child is to count 100 of these items. He/she is to arrange and display the 100 items in an interesting and creative way. The items may range from Transformer stickers to Barbie shoes to dots. (Please NO food items.) Projects may be posters or self standing. Kindly have your child write the title and the numbers from 1-100. The students will display their 100's creations in class. This will also be a unique opportunity for other classes to tour the Kindergarten classrooms.I hope you and your child have special fun and memorable learning with this problem solving activity.

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