Friday, October 10, 2014

Fire Safety Week

This was Fire Safety Week. We read several books and watched videos about firefighters and the tools they use to stay safe on their job.  We also made fire trucks.  An important part of  our lesson was what we must do in case of fire at our house.  After brainstorming, we came up with the following:
  • Stop, drop, and roll
  • Get out fast
  • Call 911
  • Make a plan
Everyone had fun making their fire trucks and writing one or more things what we must do in case of fire. Just watch us.....

Fire Safety Week on PhotoPeach

Aloha Parents,

Our Presentation of Learning was the greatest thing for the students.  Having you in their classroom was thrilling for them.  Sharing their knowledge of apples was even better because they were waiting all week to tell you about it.  Mahalo for attending, as it meant the world to these keiki.

Mahalo to Mrs. Azama, Mrs. Kubota, Mrs.Uehara (Emma's Grandmother), and Mrs. Pimental for chaperoning our Learning Trip to the Discovery Center.  Please log in to Shutterfly to view some photos.

3 areas were visited - Fantastic You, Your Town, and Rainforest Adventures.  There was nonstop fun and hands-on learning.  Please consider visiting the Discovery Center on a weekend as your child will have more time to explore, discover, imagine and dream.

  • Monday, October 13th - Flu Vaccine or Nasal Spray forms due.  Please advise if your child will not be submitting a form.
  • Monday, October 13th - Fire fighter's Safety Pledge page due (last page of the Safety Guide).
  • Wednesday, October 29th - Book Shares, myON, and IXL assignments due
  • Thursday, October 30th - If you plan to share Halloween treats, please bring them in by this date.
Have a nice weekend,
Mrs. Lee

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