Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou

Aloha Parents,

The keiki have been introduced to MobyMax.com, a new on-line learning tool that encompasses math (including fact fluency) and reading.  An informational letter with their username and password will be placed in your child's folder on January 7th. MobyMax is easy to navigate and your child will enjoy it.

Once you sign in, your keiki will take a pre-test.  MobyMax places them on their current grade level in that subject area, then it determines upcoming lessons for them to complete.  Lessons are places in sequential order from basic skills to more complex skills. As they pass a lesson they get to move on to the next one.

Each lesson begins with a short tutorial, then your child can practice with immediate feedback. If they need help with reading, there is an option for the computer to read aloud parts of the problem.

Your keiki will need some assistance in the beginning, but they will love it! The sky is the limit as to the amount your child completes. So let's MobyMax it up!!!!!!

Dates to remember:

  • Friday, January 9th - Hoonko Service.  This is a holiday in the tradition of Buddhism that observes the memorial of the founder Shinran Shonin. Please dress your child appropriately for this service.
  • Friday, January 9th - Kualoa Zoo Consent form and payment due
  • Tuesday, January 13th - Library Books due
  • Wednesday, January 28th - January Book Shares, MyOn, and IXL (Categories F [Skip Count] and S [Geometry]) due

As  2015 approaches us with hopes anew, I'm sending my best wishes to you and your families for a wonderful year ahead.  Happy New Year!

Mrs. Lee

1 comment:

  1. Hello from the Gold Coast, Australia - you are very lucky to have Mrs Lee as your teacher and this is a great blog/site that she has set up for you all to enjoy and be informed. Have a great second week back at school.
