Halloween is on the way so we listened to many different and funny monster stories. We collected data such as the monster story we liked the best, our age, favorite color, and created not quite so scary monsters!
Aloha Parents,
Book Sharing was a wonderful experience this month. Your child's point of view was offered with a visual aid. This was an opportunity for everyone to practice their speaking in front of the class, as well as developing other skills. Their presentation involved making eye contact with the audience and preparing how to show something in a way that was understandable and enjoyable to their peers. It was exciting for everyone.
This Book Share activity will continue through most of the school year. Incentive Pizza Hut coupons will also be distributed as a 'carrot'. I'm sure you are having as much fun coaching your child at home as s/he is presenting it to the class! You are all fabulous speech coaches!
Dates to Remember:
- Friday, October 25th - Fire Safety Guides, Recycle Bags, Book Shares for October due
- Monday, October 28th - Return of the Menehune consent forms and payment due
- Tuesday, October 29th - Return of the Menehune performance, Social Hall beginning at 1:00pm
- Wednesday, October 30th - Library books due
- Wednesday, October 30th - If you plan to share Halloween Goodie bags, please bring them in by this date
- Thursday, October 31st - Halloween Parade (Social Hall) and Luncheon
- Kindergarten start time is 8:40
- Come to school dressed in costumes
- Change of clothes needed. You are welcome to assist them in changing and taking the costumes home.
- Kindergarten Grade Level Pizza Lunch
- Friday, November 1st - Flu shots
Mrs. Lee